Den 2024-01-26 kl. 17:26, skrev Thomas Cameron:
On 1/26/24 10:10, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
I used procmail for years and never had an issue with it. However I
don't like unmaintained software so removed it when support was
dropped. The problem with Sieve (and several other options) is that
they're server-side, so if your server doesn't support them, and you
don't want to run your own local server (plus e.g. fetchmail) you're
dependent on what your mail provider allows.

I run the servers, so I can install whatever I want, but... I chatted with a couple of folks on IRC, including someone who knows the guy who wrote that article. Turns out that procmail really IS still being maintained, both by vendors like Red Hat, Canonical, Suse, etc., and independent developers. There's even talk about forming a new mailing list for those developers. It's definitely being maintained.

After digging in a bit, I'm going to stick with procmail since I already know it.

If anyone has any opinions to the contrary, I'm happy to be educated, though!

Did following:

$ dnf search procmail
Fedora 39 - x86_64                              9.3 MB/s |  89 MB

========================= Namn Exakt matchad: procmail
procmail.x86_64 : Mail processing program
=================== Namn & Sammanfattning Matchad: procmail
perl-Mail-Procmail.noarch : Procmail-like facility for creating easy mail
                          : filters

So procmail indeed is still maintained.


Jon Ingason

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