Marcel Rieux <m.z.rieux <at>> writes:

> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:40 AM, JB <jb.1234abcd <at>> wrote:
> > Marcel Rieux <m.z.rieux <at>> writes:
> >
> >> ...
> > Hi,
> > if you just care about upgrading to next Fedora, try this method:
> >
> Thanks for the suggestion but, I always thought preupgrade was the
> recommended way for upgrading and, whereas many people had problems
> upgrading with yum from F11 to F12, I had none at all with preupgrade.
> Has the recommendation for upgrading changed? Is this the reason
> preupgrade hasn't been fixed 3 months after F13 release?
> Thanks!

it is a state of flux.
I always managed to move to next Fedora with either preupgrade or 'yum upgrade'
methods, but other people are not always so lucky and hit an air pocket.

Right now there is a hectic time for Fedora devs due to F14 testing, so we have
to be patient with fixes to prior versions.

To be honest I read pretty heated reports about instability of kernels etc on
tests mailing list and people saying Fedora is moving too much stuff too fast
to be able to digest it properly.

Based on my recent observation of my F13 problems and other people's reports
I would agree.
I mean every dev knows that even in an agreed-upon fast-moving software dev
environment it can reach a critical point that can make people (devs and
testers) frustrated and demoralized.

I would suggest to Fedora boyz and girls to ease, smell some flowers - life is
not about constantly running ahead, without a pause, reflection, and enjoyment.
I hope they hear us.


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