I tried F14 alpha today, yum updated it, wanted to get all four
monitors on two Nvidia GeForce 9800 cards working as a single desktop.

Had partial success.

The default no-conf setup activated the first two monitors (first card
only), put them next to each other.

With many hours of fiddling, I got a xorg.conf that activated all four
monitors, but cloned 0 onto 1 and 2 onto 3, and put the 0/1 clone next
to the 2/3 clone.  I couldn't move anything to the "right" virtual

All I want is a desktop with all four monitors arranged my way, I
don't need the XRandR extensions (although that would be nice to
silence all those warnings about it missing), I don't need to ever
move, resize, or enable/disable the monitors - they're fixed.

Is there *some* way to tell nouveau to use two GPU cards, without also
having to manually fiddle with every other configuration option there

And *no* I don't want to use the nvidia driver - I have that now, that
requires Xinerama, which kills performance for the apps I use most.

My current layout:

Card2/Monitor1  C1/M1   C2/M2  C1/M2
Rotated CW      normal    CW   normal

(although I'd rather have C1/M2 *above* C1/M1)
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