On 27 October 2010 15:29, Robert Karge <rkargeconsult...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been using Fedora off/on since F3.  I'm a heavy user of VirtualBox.
> From F3 to F13 USB is not evident.  All suggestions from Fedora sources
> don't work.  All other Linux Distros I have tried have automated access to
> USB in VirtualBox.
> Please help me with an absolute method.

VirtualBox OSE is what is packaged by RPMFusion for Fedora. That
version DOES NOT have USB Support. The reason for this is nothing to
do with Fedora and everything to do with the fact that the USB support
was not open-source licensed.

You can read more about the two different versions of VirtualBox on
their website:


If you need USB Support, then you need to get VirtualBox direct from them:


And you must accept their licensing terms:


I would assume that the other versions of Linux you have tried are
distributing the non-free version of VirtualBox.

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