In F14, x86_64 install, I try to send a document as email from
openoffice via evolution and I get the following error:

(evolution:11890): Tracker-CRITICAL **: D-Bus service
name:'org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Miner.Emails' is already taken, perhaps
the application is already running?

(evolution:11890): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Miner could not register object
on D-Bus session

No window pops up with the document as an attachment.

Looks like a D-Bus error, but could be evolution.

However, if I stop/shutdown evolution and try it, evolution starts with
the email & the document is an attachment.

Sp 1) no workie with evolution running
2) workie with evolution shutdown.

Would file a bugzilla, but not sure if d-bus, evolution, or what.

Any ideas?

Brian Millett - [ Ivanova, "The Quality of Mercy"]
"Look, I don't mind if you bend the rules a little, Doctor. I mean I bend a
 few myself. But I do like to be informed. If I'm going to share in the
 blame, I'd at least like to share in some of the fun."

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