Am 08.11.2010 20:54, schrieb Tim:
> Klaus-Peter Schrage:
> Tim:
>>> I was always under the impression that pi was merely the ratio of the
>>> circumference to the diameter, something that's easy enough to prove
>>> empirically (measure the two, and do the maths).
> Marko Vojinovic:
>> Hey Tim, didn't you read a hidden ROTFLMAO between the lines above? :-D
> Well, somewhere along the line I suspect there's a bit of "that guy was
> nuts" in the reasoning for referring to him.  But you're never quite
> sure, when someone refers to something like that, if they were taking
> him seriously.
Now, I was the one referring to that site - I admit, with some irony in 
mind. Without any irony this time: I took my math degree 35 years ago, 
so my basics might be somewhat rusty, but they are fresh enough to know 
that such a treatise is not worth to be read on after the first page.
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