On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 11:32:17 -0700, Phil Meyer wrote:

> The concept now days is to let X figure out most things, ie: driver and
> display basic parameters, and then let the user tweak the settings.
> So the new way is: gnome-display-properties

        OK, that would make sense if it worked.
> it works quite well and is patterned after the vendor supplied programs
> that show icons of your displays and allow you to configure them.

        Not here, it doesn't.

> The downside to this approach is that each user has to do their own.

        Standard doctrine: fine in theory.

> The upside is that each user can set them differently.

        If only each could also set them anywhere near well.
> System/Preferences/Monitors

        That thing?! Surely you jest. I can't get it to realize anything 
over 1024x768 exists. Even the oldest of my PCs used to do fine with 
1280x1024 -- and this monitor can stretch that up to 1680x1050. In fact, 
my setting in xorg.conf has long been 1280x1024 for exactly that reason.

        The Germans have a word for this : Verschlimmbesserung. It means 
making things worse by trying or purporting to make them better. 
Beartooth Staffwright, Neo-Redneck Not Quite Clueless Power User
I have precious (very precious!) little idea where up is.

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