On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 17:33 -0600, Mike Chambers wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 15:06 -0600, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 20:50:18 +0000,
> >   "Amadeus W.M." <amadeu...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Just one thing though. I kept my home and data directories upon install, 
> > > hence all dot files, and I was expecting evolution to pick up my existing 
> > > configuration, which has many folders and rules that sort the incoming 
> > > mail by sender. No such luck though. I also restored evolution from a 
> > > backup file and still my old folders in evolution do not show up. Just 
> > > the standard Inbox, Drafts, Junk, etc. I would hate to have to re-create 
> > > all the folders and rules. Is there any trick, some config files that I 
> > > can restore manually somehow? 
> > 
> > My first thought would be that the name of the config file (or dir) changed.
> > Look at the dot files and see if some new ones were created when you ran
> > evolution after the update. If so, you might just be able to rename the
> > old one.
> Some of the config files are now in different directories,
> besides .evolution.  Also try .config/evolution as well.  I don't
> remember which files were moved to which.  You might try a test user and
> create from scratch just to see where the files are created.  Then copy
> your backup files to the appropriate dir.
> Hope that helps (and yes I went through this with some testing and
> didn't seem to restore evolution like it used to due to the dir change).
> -- 
> Mike Chambers
> Madisonville, KY
> "Best lil town on Earth!"


Some refs that might help

Not happy with this myself as I am using evo with F13 and F14
with the same home dir.

I do not trust the db not to get confused if I leave the link
below present when jumping between 13 and 14.

End result - my folders have all been migrated across and I am only
invoking evo in F14 at present


These are my words

F14 evolution now saves local email directories in
instead of ~/.evolution/mail/local
The first invocation of the new evo seems to move the contents across 
This means that when running F13 evo only "standard" directories are
ln -s ~/.local/share/evolution/mail/local ~/.evolution/mail/local
enables F13 evo to see the original dirs but if the link is left there
and F14 evo runs
will the local DB become replicated/corrupted?
Evolution 2.31.6 2010-08-02
These are google words

Evolution now complies with the XDG Base Directory Specification [1],
which means user-specific data is no longer stored under ~/.evolution.
Instead, data is partitioned into three base directories controlled by
environment variables:
   $XDG_DATA_HOME/evolution    (default: $HOME/.local/share/evolution)
   $XDG_CACHE_HOME/evolution   (default: $HOME/.cache/evolution)
   $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/evolution  (default: $HOME/.config/evolution)
Data which is managed by Evolution will be migrated from
$HOME/.evolution on startup.

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