On Monday, 15 November, 2010 @04:16 zulu, Juan R. de Silva scribed:

> With i8krellm I always kept the CPU temperature below 48 degrees C.
> True - fans run a lot. But again, fan is a cheap part.

I could never get the i8k plugin for GKrellem to work...  seemed like it was 
looking for its files in the wrong subdirectory or something. That was a few 
versions ago, and I don't have that i8200 any more.  But I did replace the 
dual fan that sucked air over the CPU's heat-piped sink-to-radiator then 
blew it out the back, and while the fan was only $5 on ebay (and it appeared 
new, though I don't know how to prove that), I can assure you it was no 
small job. It takes 3 to 6 hours, depending on how many times you've done 
it. I also replaced the fan on my wife's 8200, and got it down to 4 hours 
the second time. 

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