On 01/02/2011 09:26 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> On Sunday 02 January 2011 18:15:31 Johan Scheepers wrote:
>> On 01/02/2011 05:40 PM, Lucélio Gomes de Freitas wrote:
>>>> Now I would like to get a webcam going.
>>>> Did some google but it seem that this is still in diapers??
>>>> I do have a logitech (model unknown) for a few years.
>>>> Works fine on windows.
>>>> Willing to buy a webcam that does work on fedora 14 x86_64.
>>> Try to use your logitech on   It works.
>> The package name?, please.
> He is talking about the latest kernel. "uname -r" will tell you what version
> you are currently running. If it isn't the latest, do a "yum update", reboot,
> and then try your webcam again.
> That said, I am not sure it will work. Use lspci and/or lsusb to find some
> details about your webcam. Do you have a /dev/video entry in /dev? Or
> /dev/video0 or something similar? If you do, it is likely that your webcam is
> recognized and the proper driver is already in place.
> HTH, :-)
> Marko
Thanks Marco,

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