Hi Valent,

On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 13:03 +0100, valent.turko...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi galls and guys,
> I saw that there are no up to date instuctions for getting Blender
> 2.56 running on Fedora, not even on Blender wiki so I wrote up this
> blog post:
> http://bit.ly/gLQgFS or long version:
> http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com/index.php/archives/blender-2-56-on-fedora-13-and-fedora-14/
> I would like to ask you to try out these instructions and post any
> feedback that you have, especially if there are some errors in
> instructions.

I followed your instructions but the resulting binary doesn't work.

[duffy@Brigid linux2]$ pwd
[duffy@Brigid linux2]$ ./blender 
Info: Config directory with "startup.blend" file not found.
found bundled
python: /home/duffy/Repositories/blender-build/install/linux2/2.56/python
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
ImportError: No module named encodings.utf_8
Aborted (core dumped)

I tried to post this in your blog but your blog gave me an error message
that it was not accepting POST requests.


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