On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 18:25:15 +0100,
  Rudolf Kastl <che...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Heyyas,
> Actually http://clan-speak.de/ offers free mumble servers without any
> requirements. After subscribing for a free server from today on they
> instantly activate them. Sorry for the offtopic post but this is a
> great service. Mumble is actually packaged in fedora and i thought
> this might be quite interesting for the foss gaming community. Have
> fun with your own low latency voice server.

Fedora has FedoraTalk which allows contributors to call in using SIP or
anyone using one of several DIDs and either reach other specific contributors
or conference call areas. This is based on asterisk.

I tried using it for the community gaming experiment. It didn't get much use,
but did work.
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