On 01/27/2011 12:44 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Rahul Sundaram  wrote:
>> Packages are in the repository because someone is volunteering to
>> maintain them.  No because of any voting.
> So if someone from Oracle choose to build and maintain it for Fedora
> and cleared any trademark issues, it would be okay?.

It doesn't require a person from Oracle.  *Anyone* interested enough to
volunteer can do it. 

> IsnĀ“t "Firefox" also trademaked by Mozilla Inc.? Am I missing something?

I didn't say anything about trademarks but anyone volunteering to
package any software has to take into consideration the trademark
guidelines of the software in question.  For Firefox, if you patch it
without upstream signing off on the patches, you will have to rename the
software.  I don't think there are any problems with Openoffice.org
trademark for the purposes of packaging it in  Fedora. 

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