On 18 April 2011 21:58, JD <jd1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/18/2011 11:46 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 04/18/2011 09:22 AM, JD wrote:
>>> But the OP seems not to have taken this road :)
>> And wisely, IMO.  Not because it's not a good idea but because doing
>> that would require him to trust the hosting company, and I think they've
>> already proven themselves to be untrustworthy.  Moving to a new company
>> (and making sure that this time the contract *requires* them to install
>> a more current OS) is probably his safest option at this point.
> Even so, see as Fedora becomes "OLD" in about
> a 18 to 36 months, what hosting company is going to agree to update the
> system?
> Not very many!

The good ones?

Slicehost has already been mentioned - that generally offers the
latest versions of Fedora and Ubuntu pretty rapidly. Rackspace Cloud
offers roughly the same, only it takes slightly longer.In my
experience, it is the good hosting companies (often at the more
expensive end of the market) who devote resources to this.

If you're in the "Managed Hosting" business (Slicehost isn't), it
generally takes you a bit longer to release new versions as you have
to qualify the releases with your other tools - the Hosting company I
work for has only just qualified/released RHEL 5.6 (available Jan
13th) as it takes that long to qualify it with things like external
storage and backup system vendors. However that same hosting company
will happily install Fedora or CentOS or Ubuntu or Gentoo if you ask,
but we don't support it in the way we would with RHEL as it's not
qualified with all the 3rd party vendors we use.

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