On 04/19/2011 09:37 PM, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> On 04/19/2011 08:14 PM, james tate wrote:
>> Fedora 14
>> In the Printer setup there is no settings for a USB Dell 720 printer, it
>> is a fairly old printer.
>> How do I get the drivers for this printer ?
> They are a lexmark set of drivers.  You need to look for the following RPMS:
> z600cups
> z600llpddk
> I have some old versions 1.0-1 and 2.0-1 respectively (from 2003).  I've
> forgotten where I of them from, but with them, I could print to the Dell
> 720 Photo Printer.
I found the


But can't find the on the internet.


The CJLZ600LE-CUPS-1.0-1(1).TAR.gz from Lexmark is corrupted, I get the error 
when trying to install it.

# sh z600cups-1.0-1.gz.sh

Verifying archive integrity...tail: cannot open `+6' for reading: No
such file or directory

Error in check sums 2331425966 225780837

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