On Thu, 26 May 2011 09:25:41 -0300 (BRT), FEB wrote:

> Hi there,
> I followed the instructions to enable RPMfusion stable and it works fine
> for vlc, mp3 codecs and so on. But when I try to install proprietary
> drivers or firmware for nvidia and broadcon wireless there's a mismatch to
> my kernel.
> Should I enable the rawhide repos to solve this, or is there a way to
> "downgrade" my F15 kernel until RPMfusion catches up?

Since you've following the instructions, you are using rpmfusion's
"rawhide" repo already. There is no newer stuff at rpmfusion [yet].

For the recent kernel update, you probably just need the usual patience
till rpmfusion publishes updates, too.

The only thing you need to be aware of is that you should edit your
repo configuration and turn on "rpmfusion-free", "rpmfusion-free-updates"
and turn off "rpmfusion-free-rawhide". Currently they still point at the
same packages, but some time in the future, rpmfusion-free-rawhide will
switch to F16 development (the real "Rawhide"). Very likely rpmfusion
will publish an updated release package earlier, but to be on  the safe
side, change the repo config yourself.
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