On 06/02/2011 02:10 AM, Digimer wrote:
> With that in mind, I'm quickly coming to like Gnome 3. It has wrinkles,
> but it is also a 3.0 release. I think it has a lot of promise, and I
> think people will come to like it as they get used to it. :)

My biggest problem with Gnome 3 is that things that I could do by moving 
the mouse, and a single mouse click, now needs several moves and several 
mouse clicks, this severely disrupts my work flow. At the moment I have 
moved to Xfce (which I aesthetically does not like, but can be made to 
work the way I am used to), but I will check to see if new extensions 
etc. turns up that make Gnome 3 usable (for me).

Sadly the things mentioned in the links earlier in the thread does not 
solve my issues fully.

Lars E. Pettersson <l...@homer.se>
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