On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Tom Horsley <horsley1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm new to systemd, obviously, and don't know what the
>> problem is.
> As are we all :-). I had problems getting stunnel to start.
> I think the key here is networking. It sure seems like any
> services that need to talk right away on the network (versus
> merely listening) don't work during the boot.
> I put a "service stunnel restart" in /etc/rc.local and
> it seems to function OK if I do that.

Heh.  Interesting....  Networking is clearly up and running now
(booted awhile ago), and I'm still seeing these issues when I manually
run systemctl.  I appreciate the tip, but surely it's something else
in my case....

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