On 06/13/2011 08:48 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:20:39 -0700
> James McKenzie wrote:
>> We need 
>> to make Linux as easy, if not easier to use than the other 'junk' out 
>> there.
> When you run Windows for the first time, annoying tutorials badger
> you incessantly about learning how to use the Windows interface
> and/or adapting to changes made in the new version of Windows.
> When you run pretty much any flavor of any new and improved,
> super wizz-bang, this time we'll capture the desktop for sure,
> linux interface, you are confronted with anything from a maze
> of meaningless icons (none of which resemble a "help" button :-),
> to maybe just a vast expanse of empty space that leaves you
> equally clueless.
> As long as Windows has the "Hey! Get your clues here!" attitude
> and Linux has the "Our awesome designers have better things to
> do than provide documentation." attitude, the Linux designers
> will continue to remain puzzled by why the masses aren't flocking
> to their clearly superior works of intellectual brilliance.

I haven't run MS-Windows for the "first time" in a long time.   So, I
don't know what it may or may not offer.

However, what you've said seems (at least to me) to be confusing and

You seem to be saying that what Windows does is "incessant and
annoying".  Those would seem to be attributes Linux should strive to avoid.

But, it seems that you are advocating that approach since you seem to be
saying that what they do is a form of documentation lacking in Linux
that keeps people from discovering Linux desktops.

For something like GNOME 3, would a pointer to
http://library.gnome.org/  be something that should be presented the
first time a user accesses their GNOME 3 desktop?

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