On 07/15/2011 02:49 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 14:13 -0400, james tate wrote:
>> FC15
>> How do I get thunderbird to select Firefox when opening links in Emails.
>> When clicking on Links in Emails nothing is happening.
>> I can't find in Thunderbird Preferences a way to select Firefox.
> It's not a Thunderbird preference, it's a desktop preference. If you use
> Gnome, look under the settings panel. If on KDE you still have to use
> the Gnome settings since TBird is a Gnome app. In that case, run
> gnome-control-panel from the Shell and look for Preferred Applications.
> poc
In KDE it's Settings/Default Applications/Web Browser and my is set to 
but it still won't open and use Firefox.

There is a execute file in /usr/bin/firefox

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