On 11/13/2011 02:37 PM, Gary Waters wrote:
> On 11/13/2011 02:33 PM, Martin Airs wrote:
>> On Sunday 13 Nov 2011 14:24:12 Gary Waters wrote:
>>> I am using Fedora 15. This Am when I opened up firefox and went to my
>>> online banking I noticed my saved user profile was gone. When I went to
>>> the weather channel's site my firefox security kept asking me for my
>>> main password, which was weird since that never happened before.
>>> I also noticed the computer was rather sluggish and seemed to be
>>> swapping a lot. Eventually I got a warning popup saying my home
>>> directory had 714K free space. I started to free up space. When I got to
>>> 18GB free space I then noticed that in a very little time frame the free
>>> space dropped to 6.9GB free.
>>> I then rebooted a few times and immediately after each reboot I noticed
>>> my home directory had 79GB free. This drops rather quickly with in
>>> minutes. I'd drop from 79GB free to 71GB free in under 5 minutes...
>>> What the heck is going on?
>>> G
>> sounds like a log file going haywire to me, check the size of your
>> ~/.xsession-errors file
>> Martin
> It's 12.4 KB (12739 bytes)...
> Any other suggestions?
There is a command line utility that might help you find the offending file.

Try this: cd
try this: du -k | less

    ^ ^  Mark LaPierre
Registerd Linux user No #267004

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