On 11/24/2011 10:28 AM, Alexander Volovics wrote:
> Stop with the criticism and take a look at Linux Mint 12 RC.
> This clearly is Gnome 3.2 but with all the 'missing features'
> of Gnome 2 you and others are complaining about.

Gnome 3:s shell *should* be criticized, as it severely affects many 
users work flow. There is one good thing with Gnome 3 though, the 
fall-back mode.

I am using Gnome 3 in fallback mode, without compiz but with metacity, 
and it can be tweaked to work more or less as Gnome 2.

Log in to Gnome 3:s shell, left-click on your name in the upper right 
corner, chose "System Settings", then "System Info", and last 
"Graphics", turn "Forced Fallback Mode" to on, log out and log in again. 
This will give you Gnome 3 fall-back mode with metacity, and a Gnome 2 
feel (just remember to press alt when trying to add things to the panels 
with right-click).

Lars E. Pettersson <l...@homer.se>
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