On 01/20/2012 03:18 PM, Tim wrote:
> Tim:
>>> you replied to was not received as base64 encoded, here.
> g:
>> that is because it has enigmail sig. note "source" of this post.
> My point was that the spam that you were complaining about as an example
> of why you don't like base64 was *not* base64 encoded (the original spam
> mail, not your reply to it).  At least it wasn't, *here*...  None of it
> was.

}> X-Mailer: Evolution (

dose Evolution convert 'base64' to 'text' during view source?

or, convert to text when email receive?

"tricked" handlers between inet connection and email client?

> But having another look at that message, I see I overlooked a mail
> header stating that it had been converted (and it's quite possible that
> some server may do the opposite conversion to you, converting stuff into
> 8bit).

intelligent email 'handlers', 'servers', 'clients', do not convert
enigmail to 'base64'.

as of this time, 1818 utc, the thread contains;

7 post:  2-enig, 5-b64
my post: 1-enig, 1-b64

b64 posters: op, tim, g, ibmalone
enig posters: g, h.reindl

when i post enigmail, there is not conversion of my post.

when i post unsigned, my post arrives base64.

> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by mailserver.lan.example.com

where and with what is above being inserted?

it would appear "X-MIME-Autoconverted:" is/may be a config within
_your_ email handler??

> If I can get the message /as text/, then so you can you, one way or
> another.

this is true. and i would if my email client had ability to convert
base64 to text.

> And your problem (I think it was you that asked about converting mail,
> last week), about using tools to filter mail, but not encoded mail,
> can be simplified.

convert base64 to text, yes.

filter, no.

other than filter for base64 and convert to text.

> In my case, I use fetchmail to drag in mail from various internet
> servers.  I access that mail through Dovecot, as a local IMAP server.
> And post out through sendmail, as a local SMTP server.  (Which isn't as
> hard, or complicated, as that might seem at first glance).

i am in research and reading of 'dovecot/*'. now have a 'dovecot'
'chapter' in bookmarks and a local 'dovecot' url icon to a local
'dovecot' html page which is a/an inet and local 'map'.

> I don't know which of them is doing it, because I haven't deliberately
> configured it to do so.  Though I notice some mention of conversion
> options in the fetchmail man file.

i already have 'fetchmail chapter'. built over several years. added to
while writing 'dovecot chapter'.

fetchmail is installed. not configed. never run.

setting up server will not be a problem.

problem is a "box" to put it in. 8-(. which is 'r2i' new power supply.

plus side, another box can/will be used as file server also. ;)


peace out.



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