On 03/25/2012 08:49 AM, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
> I have not tried that, surely easy to do, I'll need to download the
> LiveCD iso.  What would you expect to find?

If you can't get into Gnome3 from the LiveCD, it's probably not a kernel 
update causing it as the image isn't kept updated.  If you can, there's 
a software issue.  In either case, you'll have a much better idea of 
where to look than you do now.

I'll start the download!!, but the original system would not work
without akmod-catalyst from rpmfusion.  I've never downloaded a liveCD
so it will be good to do no matter what.


The  CD I created with  Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso did not work.
It booted to the boot screen, then after the process started the screen
turned gray for a short while, and then black.  The CD kept being
accessed for a time and finally stopped being accessed.  The black
screen did not change.

I did not think this would work without akmod.catalyst, but it might be
a fair way for others to test their system to see if gnome3 is going to
work without additional drivers.

Does anyone know if F17 is going to address this problem ????


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