Hello everybody, I'm new to this list, although I have been using
Fedora for a little while now.
As I finally decided to adopt Fedora as my main linux OS I decided
that it was time to join this list.

I would like to ask about the changes in the FS for the new release of Fedora.
I understand that FS are changing as follows

/bin → /usr/bin
/sbin → /usr/sbin
/lib → /usr/lib
/lib64 → /usr/lib64

And after reading the benefits of the changes I seem to agree that it
is an excellent decision.
But after reading Lennart's mail at
In his email Lennart argues, for what I understood, that there is no
need for sbin a bin separation anymore, but a merge between bin and
sbin has not been done, and I was wondering why.

Also, there are many other directories that doesn't seem to fulfill
they original purpose anymore, like /opt (Things in /opt could be
easily installed in /usr/local for what is seems, is that right or am
I missing something?). Are there any plans to get rid of this folders?

Thanks for any answer that you may give me, and forgive if this things
have already been answered, but I sware I use my google-fu but
couldn't find an answer.

Alan Rodas Bonjour
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