On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Osmanys Fuentes Lomba
<osmanys.fuen...@cnt.uo.edu.cu> wrote:
> Hi people, I want to now what is the size of the whole repository of
> Fedora (16 or 17). I'm from Cuba and my connection to the internet is
> very slow, I want to download or copy the whole set of applications and
> later get into my computer.
> Some body have any idea??

Fedora 17 x86_64 (packages pushed stable only)

% repoquery --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=fedora -qa --qf='%{size}' |
awk '{sum+=$1} END{printf("%d\n",sum)}'
28866293415 [bytes or roughly 27 GB]

Fedora 17 x86_64 (including updates-testing)

% repoquery --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=fedora,updates-testing -qa
--qf='%{size}' | awk '{sum+=$1} END{printf("%d\n",sum)}'
29182448354 [bytes or still roughly 27 GB]

Fedora 16 x86_64 (release repository only)

% repoquery --releasever=16 --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=fedora -qa
--qf='%{size}' | awk '{sum+=$1} END{printf("%d\n",sum)}'
26548901638 [bytes or roughly 25 GB]

Fedora 16 x86_64 (including stable updates)

% repoquery --releasever=16 --disablerepo=\*
--enablerepo=fedora,updates -qa --qf='%{size}' | awk '{sum+=$1}
28250648960 [bytes or roughly 26 GB]

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