On 01.08.2012, Georgios Petasis wrote: 

> I have contacted gigabyte for a BIOS update (saying to them that there is a 
> bug in
> the ACPI section of their BIOS), but I am getting irrelevant answers, like
> using linux drivers from the vendors of the board parts, or removing the
> BIOS battery and "loading failsafe defaults".

How do you know that there is a bug in the Bios, and that the Bios is
the cause for your kernel-freeze?

> Unfortunately, the kernel freezes at the very begging of the boot process.

You should try with a vanilla kernel from kernel.org, e.g. mainline
3.5.0 and see if the problem persist. If this is the case, you
should provide some more information (screenshot, logfiles, dmesg, .config
etc.). Noone will be able to help you without this.

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