On 07/23/2012 06:37 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 23.07.2012 17:39, schrieb Rex Dieter:
Reindl Harald wrote:

am i right that "Filedigests", "Filemd5s", "Provideversion",
"Pubkeys" and "Requireversion" are unused fragments of older
rpm/yum versions and can be removed?

Yes, they can be safely removed. Half of them were never used at all, the rest were of marginal use and have been dropped in rpm >= 4.9.

imo, just do a

rpm --rebuilddb

and all the old stuff should get cleared out on it's own

no, that is why i am wondering that all other
files execpt the listed ones get a new timestamp
after "rpm --rebuilddb"

Yup. Generally anything that doesn't get updated on --rebuilddb is not used. Or even more generally: only the Packages file is vital. Everything else is just indexes which can be reconstructed from Packages with --rebuilddb (and current rpm versions actually regenerate missing indexes automatically)

        - Panu -

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