On 10/10/2012 10:36 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
OK....  I should have pointed out that I am speculating you *may* have a wonky 
wire or connection which results in a momentary disconnect.  I've had several 
of these over they years.  All caused by cats either gnawing on cables or 
ripping them out while playing a game of tag.  :-) :-)


Actually, I am speculating that it may be something more interesting. 4-5 years ago, I got a newer model of my favorite keyboard and it would not work with Fedora (either FC5 or F9). I don't have cats to gnaw on them and the only tag that get played near the computer is writing html.

The keyboard I like is *old* .. as in 2002. Seeing another keyboard behave the same is important.

For what it is worth, the next test will be a serious couple of long days on one of my other F16 machines with the keyboard in question. Then, I convert that box to F17 and if I see the problem, your sentence of X server means alot more to me (or at least in my limited sense of vision)


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