Am 30.11.2012 19:23, schrieb Joe Wulf:
> Reindl,
> I was instantly thrilled to see you had a process (script?) for
> auto-generating dhcpd.conf in concert with a DNS database.
> Is it possible for you to share the scripts and/or documentation for how 
> you generate, implement and/or manage your
> dns and dhcp configurations?
> I've been working a project that would greatly benefit from not having 
> to reinvent the wheel

the dhcp-wheel is simple, see below, you need a db-layer
or replace some commands to work directly with php-mysqli

write your config with base-values and a placeholder
for the generated stuff somewhere else, generate the
new config file based on the database and write it to
disk if it differs from the old one an restart the service

the dns-wheel i can not share because it is based on inernal
libraries and our own cms-system and hardly wired to work
with a lot of code for other services which a do not like
to implement more generic beause i need here admin-code
witout comprmoises by maintain all sort of network-services

cat /scripts/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.template
ddns-update-style none;
ddns-updates off;
default-lease-time 86400;
max-lease-time 172800;
log-facility local7;
subnet x.x.x.0 netmask {
 option domain-name "";
 option domain-name-servers x.x.x.6, x.x.x.106, x.x.x.15;
 option routers x.x.x.1;
 option smtp-server x.x.x.15;
 option pop-server x.x.x.15;
 option ntp-servers x.x.x.103, x.x.x.110;
 option time-servers x.x.x.103, x.x.x.110;
 option subnet-mask;
 option broadcast-address x.x.x.255;
 option interface-mtu 1472;
 range x.x.x.x x.x.x.x;

cat /scripts/dhcp/dhcpd-entry.template
host [entry_name] {
 hardware ethernet [entry_mac];
 fixed-address [entry_value];

cat /scripts/dhcp/generate.php
 $db            = new mysql_class();
 $db->host      = '****';
 $db->user      = 'dns';
 $db->pwd       = '****************';
 $db->db        = ''****************';';
 $conf_file_live = '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf';
 $template_file  = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . 
 $template_entry = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . 
 $static = '';
 $result = $db->query_fetch_all("select entry_name, entry_value, entry_mac from 
dns_intern_entrys where
entry_type='A' and entry_zone_cleartext='' and entry_mac!='' order 
by entry_name;");
 foreach($result as $row)
  $static .= MY_LE . str_replace
   array('[entry_name]', '[entry_value]', '[entry_mac]'),
   array($row['entry_name'], $row['entry_value'], 
 $conf = trim(str_replace('[static]', $static, $template_file)) . MY_LE;
 if(@file_get_contents($conf_file_live) != $conf)
  file_put_contents($conf_file_live, $conf);
  chmod($conf_file_live, 0644);
  $out = '';
  $temp = popen('/sbin/service dhcpd condrestart', 'r');
  while($buffer = fread($temp, 1024))
   $out .= $buffer;
  echo $out . MY_LE . MY_LE . MY_LE;
  echo $conf;

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