On 01/08/2013 03:12 PM, Dave Close wrote:
> If I understood Ed Greshko correctly, we have this situation.
> Who  XDG    Gnome setting  KDE setting  TB   Firefox "default"
> Me   ??     Evolution      Kmail        yes  Thunderbird
> Ed   Claws  Evolution      Kmail        no   Evolution
> Ed   Claws  Thunderbird    Kmail        yes  Evolution
> Ed   TB     Thunderbird    Kmail        yes  Claws
> Ed   TB     Thunderbird    Kmail        yes  Thunderbird

Pretty much what I said....  Except that in the last 2 lines....  even though I 
issued the command

xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler mailto mozilla-thunderbird.desktop

it did not change things as a "get" returned

[egreshko@localhost ~]$ xdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler mailto
handler is

So, strangely, xdg-settings set appears to be broken.

FWIW, the Chrome browser seems to honor the "KDE setting"....

> Somebody working on Firefox ought to clarify or fix the help page.

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