Is there any FOSS bitmap editor with a command line, allowing me to
experiment with, for instance, the circle drawing function and specify
the circle´s position on screen, and size (radius)?.

Suppose you need to take a given bitmap, and draw over it 40 circles,
spaced "x" pixels apart, starting at positions x,y for the first
circle, and make it antialiased and 2 px wide, with -for instance- a
50 px radius each.

Of course doing this by hand, using the mouse pointer, is very
difficult, so I need something that lets me manually specify the
coordinates and starting position for each circle drawn.

I´ve got GIMP-phobia so please don´t tell me GIMP. ;) I´m looking for
something like Paint Shop Pro on the windows world (which is what I
normally use for bitmap editing, under WINE), or, well, Deluxe Paint
on the Amiga. ;-)

Any suggestions? TIA

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Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
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