On 21 January 2013 15:32, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Wolfgang S. Rupprecht:
>>> I assume that there is a human-factors study that indicates that
>>> non-technical users don't like to be reminded of how complicated things
>>> really are under the hood.  At least that is why I thought such cover-up
>>> screens exist.
> I assumed that it's just stupidly copying Windows, in a monkey-see,
> monkey-do fashion.  As seems to be the current trend of programmers
> wanting a free version of Windows, rather than an alternative OS.

And I assumed it's a user-expectations thing. People expect a OS to
look 'professional', if it starts up with rows of text it can look
unfriendly and re-enforce the 'geeks-only' image. Though really I'm
guessing and it may not be the reason.

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