On 01/27/2013 08:54 PM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 01/27/2013 01:57 PM, Suvayu Ali wrote:
>> xrandr -q
>     No that just shows the same thing, the equipment is rated much higher.
>         [root@Box9 xorg.conf.d]# xrandr -q
>         Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
>         DVI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
>         HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
>         VGA-0 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis
>         y axis) 0mm x 0mm
>             1024x768       60.0*
>             800x600        60.3     56.2
>             848x480        60.0
>             640x480        59.9
>     And I have had no success with the commands to change it like:
>         $xrandr --output LVGA --mode 1680x1050 --rate 60
>     Which just gets a help screen, obviously I'm doing something wrong
>     out of ignorance.

your 'equipment' maybe rated higher, but the 'xrandr -q' is actually
showing how it is being seen.

note that it is showing 'VGA-0' as your connection and it may not give
you higher resolutions.

because it is showing '1024x768x60' as maximum, that may well be best
that you will get in 'VGA' mode. which is caused by video chip and it's

also, try '--screen 1680x1050' instead of '--mode 1680x1050'.

something else to consider, try 'man xrandr' to see where you should be
using '--' or '-'.

try 'locate xrandr' to see if you have a 'Documents' file and read it.


peace out.



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