Allegedly, on or about 31 January 2013, Patrick O'Callaghan sent:
> Just out of interest, why do some people use the non-existent word
> "i",

Any of - they don't know better, they don't care in the first place,
they don't care about correcting typing errors, they didn't notice,
they're typing one-handed, they're so used to spelling correctors
auto-correcting their typing for them...

The misuse of "loose" and "lose" bugs me the most, second is probably
"dose" instead of "does."  But seeing someone type in all-caps tends to
be far more annoying that someone posting in all-lower-case.

Usually I gloss over the occasional one, but some messages require an
awful lot of interpretation trying to figure out what they meant, thanks
to their complete lack of structure.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.6.11-5.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jan 8 21:40:51 UTC 2013 x86_64

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