Reindl Harald ha scritto / said the following il giorno/on 09/02/2013 13:52:

Am 09.02.2013 12:10, schrieb antonio:
tested from another computer and also with different OS. Same results, some 
sites cannot be accessed and I get
strange behaviour from sites, i.e. password is not read. Tried with Firefox, 
Seamonkey and Epiphany.

so pull your router from the internet and start thinking when
he got the last firmware-update, theer are currently bad news
for many of this homuser-toys out there since weeks

You got it: it seems that latest firmware for my router (that is not a toy, but a X3000 from Cisco) causes this kind of problems -- I read in the Cisco support forum a couple of hours ago, I was busy to flash an old firmware (The firmware that I installed had been retired from Cisco!!) I think that the issue has been resolved, fortunately I had another router that didn't cause these troubles.


Antonio M
Skype: amontag52

Linux Fedora F18(Spherical Cow) on Acer 5720

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