Am 09.02.2013 21:18, schrieb Heinz Diehl:
> On 09.02.2013, Gordan Bobic wrote: 
>> You would chose another distribution over having a choice between two nearly
>> identical packages? Wow.
> I would choose to stay with the package (=Libreoffice) that I'm used
> to. If this wouldn't be possible, I would switch.

so you seem to be a very very new user

most of the people using fedora since years did not
notice any difference except the loading-screen by
the switch to libreoffice

hint: this is not long ago

> All my templates, all my documents and all my experience are based 
> on Libreoffice. 

so what, all mine was based on

this argumentation is laughable

oh - libreoffice was introduced in F15 and the world
did not go down for users

> you haveto write a lot of acedemic articles, it's the most essential
> thing that you can rely on your office environment. "Nearly identical"
> could mean a lot of extra work to particularly learn a new
> system. Time which you can't use for something useful

see above - if you have to write "acedemic articles" you should
not die by switch between software which is nearly identical
and the ODF format is the same at all

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