On 03/03/2013 01:30 AM, Tim wrote:
Allegedly, on or about 02 March 2013, Temlakos sent:
None of those GUI extenders issues commands like "yum clean metadata."
So when I want to run an update on my own schedule, I issue that command
I've rarely ever had to do such a thing, and I certainly wouldn't bother
doing each time.  But then I don't go updating every day, so I'm
probably not fighting stale cached data.

The best part of a GUI: when you want to know what packages are
available, you don't lose the first listing just because it has scrolled
above your command-line prompt (xterm, Konsole, etc.) window.
You can increase the buffer size of your console, so it is possible to
scroll further back.

I respectfully suggest that neither Fedora nor any other distribution is
ever going to gain any traction with greater numbers of users, should
the community ever decide to abandon the GUI completely and use
command-line applications (manually initiated, at that) for routine
system maintenance.
That would seem the opposite of what actually happens.  The command line
was first, the GUI came next.  If anything's being abandoned, it's the
command line.  Leaving you with only GUIs to control some things, and
often inadequate GUIs, at that.

I wouldn't recommend abandoning command-line tools, either. The secret to system security, whether against unauthorized access or against accidental data loss, is redundancy. That includes redundancy in the tools we use to manage our data.

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