On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:17:53AM -0700, Richard Vickery wrote:

> Ignore and move on? Would you say the same thing if we, the state, threw
> you in prison for the use of the term? Civil society already does. Case in
> point: use of the term "my account has been hacked" or "...website had been
> hacked" have negative connotations; instead of looking to fix homes in
> faulty software, they blame someone for attacking them. This has to change.

No, it doesn't *have to* change and will actively resist.

> People don't normally intend to rob a bank when they go in to make a
> withdrawal. They have to understand that the same goes for hackers.

No, they don't *have to* understand and will actively resist.

What you're trying to change is human nature. 

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
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