On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 01:54:21PM -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
> I tried putting myself into wheel once when I did a clean install.
> I found it very off-putting, to say the least, to find that giving
> the root password when prompted (or so I thought) didn't work
> because the system was expecting *my* password, not root's.  As soon

Here I think you're talking about the policykit dialogs in the desktop,

The prompt should be different for auth-as-self vs. auth-as-root.

> as I understood what had happened, I removed myself from wheel, so
> that I could administer both machines in the same way.  YMMV, of
> course, and if you're fairly new to Linux, you might find giving
> your password instead of root's more intuitive.

Well, in any case you might find it "like sudo".

> things) which shell you were using.  Now, I've grown to like it
> because it means that different people with different needs and/or
> tastes can all do things the way they like instead of there being
> One True Way.  Using su or sudo is just another example.


I wrote little essay on the relative merits of sudo and root login on Stack
Exchange, which might be interesting for anyone for whom this whole thread
is interesting: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/8588/2511

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
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