On Mon, 2013-07-08 at 16:03 +0000,
davidscha...@mobilicity.blackberry.com wrote:
> Sorry for top posting this. My bb won't allow bottom posting.

Or for thread hijacking?  (Your message was not in reply to what I
wrote, but that's how you posted it...)

> My nfs server is running fc5. Very outdated but I see no reason to
> upgrade it as there are 3 firewalls between it and the Net. It is
> doing what I want it to do. Serve files.

*Possibly* for a specific server inside a LAN, that may not be a
problem.  You're hoping that (a) another machine inside your LAN won't
attack it, and (b) that you won't need to install any new software on
your server.

Certain servers could be a right pain to keep going across updates, I'm
thinking of databases.  You have to be able to manage its updating; or
worse, migrate its data across to new software if the database software
isn't available for the updated OS.

Running things that directly access the net, or are directly accessible
from the net, on out-of-date software has a much higher security risk.
And a higher inconvenience risk as you come across sites that block you
for having an too-old browser, or too-old flash plug-in.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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