On 21.07.2013 09:55, lee wrote:
> Mateusz Marzantowicz <mmarzantow...@osdf.com.pl> writes:
>> On 19.07.2013 12:32, lee wrote:
>>> Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 05:13:12PM +0200, lee wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> does anyone know what conky displays as CPU usage for a process?  The
>>>>> values are different in conky and top, for example, top might show 11.6
>>>>> for a process while conky says 3.01.
>>> BTW, conky also ignores an update interval specified for mail checking.
>>> I specified an hour and it updates every 10 seconds.  Maybe I'll write
>>> my own monitor so I do know what it does, or stay with xosview ...
>> Answer for all your questions is in conky's source code. In file
>> src/linux.cc, there is a function called get_cpu_count which grabs data
>> from /proc/stat . After this function you'll find several other
>> functions that open /proc/stat .
> Did you find an explanation for why it displays different numbers than
> top does or why it ignores the update interval for checking mail?  I
> thought it probably uses the same data sources for this information and
> didn't really want to look at the source code.

I can download source code for top and try to compare it with conky.
This is the olny reliable way to know the difference. I strongly
recommend that you check source code yourself because it's the fastest
method for answering questions not answered in documentation about how
software is designed.

Mateusz Marzantowicz
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