On 15.11.2013 11:46, Frantisek Hanzlik wrote:
> For one thing I'm in the conviction that binary logs are hazardous
> bullshit, for another on my two F19 machines systemd-journald occupy
> significant part of resources (after several days it is often 1.5 to
> 2.5 GB RAM and several GB on /var/log/journal/*/* filesystem).
> Then, how I can avoid this crap and log only to standard rsyslogd?
> I tried set "LogTarget=syslog-or-kmsg" in "[Manager]" section of
> /etc/systemd/{system.conf,user.conf}, but this not helped; setting
> "Storage=none" in "[Journal]" section of /etc/systemd/journald.conf
> is better, but I want ideally completely cut out systemd-journald
> from my systems.
> TIA, Franta Hanzlik

You can set restrictions on resources used by journald. Reducing disk
space is one of them. Take a look at /etc/systemd/journald.conf, but I
suppose you already know that.

High memory usage might be caused by leaks and it's nothing unexpected
in such immature application. You can help to fix it if you have enough
time. After 10 years of testing in production maybe journald would reach
quality of other syslogd implementations. By that time it should be
considered not reliable. It has great potential but needs more testing.

Of course this doesn't solve your first issue - hazardous binary logs :-)

Mateusz Marzantowicz
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