On 01/04/2014 02:10 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
Exactly, it's about expectations. As an alternative OS, Fedora simply cannot depend on 
some 30 year old archaic user hostile way of unsuccessfully "delivering" 
supposedly important system messages. It's just absurd. And that cannot be fixed by 
somehow figuring out a way to get those emails delivered because it's a hideous way of 
notification anyway. I wouldn't want it to work. When I talk about the majority, I mean 
literally everyone using some kind of computing device.

So age is a bad thing? Why? If it has worked for 30 years, it is probably because that way of doing things has its merits.

That you despise mail has nothing to do with the problem we have here. We do have applications in Fedora that do send mail. If you are not interested in those mails, well fine, ignore them, and do something else instead, the message will still be created.

Either those applications has to be changed, to use some other sort of communication with the user, a communication that, for the user, works the same way (i.e. that the user is notified in a similar manner, and speed, as before, but via another media). Or the MTA has to stay.

By removing the MTA those mails will be lost, and that has to be resolved.

Again, this has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with loving or hating mail. It has to do with a way to inform the user that has to be handled in a manner that ensures that the user is informed.

Am I really that bad at explaining what the problem is?

Lars E. Pettersson <l...@homer.se>
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