On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:15 PM, pgaltieri . <pgalti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> complained about dirty bit being set and that backup version didn't match 
> current version. 

And if you run it a second time with:
# fsck.msdos -av /dev/sda1

> I'd like to see the result of a boot with boot parameters rhgb quiet removed, 
> and systemd.log_level=debug added. And then use this:
> journalctl -xb -o short-monotonic > /mnt/usb/journal-debug.txt
> Here's the link
>  https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/share?s=femLQ67TRQkjI3mhQQKx1c
> It did not mount my external USB hard drive, but after loading the vfat 
> module it did mount my USB stick.

Please unplug everything from this laptop, except power. You need to get the 
basic setup working reliably first. No external hard drives. No mouse. Nothing, 
except power.

Skip creating a replacement journal for now, I'll probably see most of it with 
the shutdown-log.txt I mention later.

> OK stop doing that.
> echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
> echo r >/proc/sysrq-trigger
> echo e >/proc/sysrq-trigger
> echo i >/proc/sysrq-trigger
>  Got to this point and system reset.

That doesn't seem right at all. Do you have some kind of watchdog like process 
running that causes a reboot if something fails? That's what this sounds like 
to me, because i is just a SIGKILL for everything except systemd. So it should 
not reboot.

Read this under the section "Shutdown Completes Eventually"

Follow the instructions exactly. For this you can directly edit grub.cfg if you 
want, rather than editing it in grub's edit mode which can't do copy-paste 
obviously. Create the debug.sh (remember to make it executable or it won't 
work). Reboot so the boot params take effect, and then do a poweroff. That 
whole poweroff sequence should record a lot of debug information and write it 
all out to /shutdown-log.txt which you can then post.

> With debug turned on I keep seeing messages like the following
> USB disconnect, device number 15
> new low-speed USB device number 16 using xhci_hcd
> The number 15 and 16 keep incrementing about 5 seconds apart.
> This device is my USB optical mouse

Please disconnect the mouse for this troubleshooting so that we're only dealing 
with the basic system for now.

Chris Murphy
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