On 16Mar2014 15:56, CS DBA <cs_...@consistentstate.com> wrote:
> where would I find a complete list of the completely dynamic top
> level directories?

You shouldn't care that they're top level, only which ones are the
right type.

Like this:

    mount | awk '$5 ~ /^(xfs|ext2|ext3)$/ { print $1 }'

So in a script:

    mountpoints=$( mount | awk '$5 ~ /^(xfs|ext2|ext3)$/ { print $1 }' )
    for fs in $mount_points
      ... backup "$fs", eg "rsync -x "$fs" ...

Expand the list of filesystem types with the ones you actually use;
I tend to use xfs myself.

You may want to explicitly avoid removable drives if they mount in
a recognisably place. For example, I hand mount removable drives
as /mnt/whatever, so I would avoid mount points starting with /mnt/
to keep them from polluting my backup system.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

C'est un Nagra.  C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis.    - _Diva_
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