On 31.08.2014, Tim wrote: 

> Ideally, for things like banking, you really want to know the
> fingerprint ahead of your first use.  They should really give you a hard
> copy of what to expect when you set up your account / get a new card.

I've never seen that a bank has recommended checking the certificates
fingerprint, despite tons of articles in newspapers and on the web
reporting about phishing. Phishing is not a problem if everybody would
check the fingerprint before entering any credentials. You can
clone-copy a website, but you can't fake the fingerprint of the
certificate. It's that easy, and thus not understandable to me why
there is ongoing discussion about phishing. Not that I think global
dissemination of how to check the certificates fingerprint would
eliminate it, but it would at least reduce it drastically.

> The security of personal banking is terrible, anyway.  e.g. Try phoning
> them up for help, but be unable to recall your password.  They'll help
> you too much.

At least my bank does a f*cking sh*t if I don't appear in person
and show them my identity card.

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