
Looking to figure out what I've missed/left out in setting up printer
access to a network/wireless HP printer. I can access the printer from
the same box if i select print from the "gedit" app...

But I can't figure out/recall what has to be used from the command line!!!

$ lpc status
    printer is on device 'socket' speed -1
    queuing is enabled
    printing is enabled
    2 entries
    daemon present

$ lpstat -t
scheduler is running
system default destination: HP-Officejet-Pro-8600
device for HP-Officejet-Pro-8600: socket://
HP-Officejet-Pro-8600 accepting requests since Sun Sep 21 02:29:44 2014
printer HP-Officejet-Pro-8600 now printing HP-Officejet-Pro-8600-10.
enabled since Sun Sep 21 02:29:44 2014
    Processing page 2...
HP-Officejet-Pro-8600-10 ihubuser          1024   Sat Sep 20 21:36:23 2014
HP-Officejet-Pro-8600-12 ihubuser          4096   Sun Sep 21 11:11:54 2014

$ lpq
HP-Officejet-Pro-8600 is ready and printing
Rank    Owner   Job     File(s)                         Total Size
active  ihubuse 10      child.php                       1024 bytes
1st     ihubuse 12      (stdin)                         4096 bytes

so, if i have a test file "cat.txt", I thought the command to print was
 lpr -P HP-Officejet-Pro-8600 cat.txt

but that appears to just place the file in the queue..
now, i can get the file to pring if i open the file in the gedit app,
and do a print!!

so, what the heck am i forgetting!!

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