On 27/09/14 02:11 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
On Sat, 27 Sep 2014 14:03:18 -0400
Frank McCormick <bea...@videotron.ca> wrote:

    Ran Fedup today to upgrade my 19 system to 20 - all the packages
are downloaded, the fedup kernel is installed...and I have 2 new
selections of the grub screen fedup and fedup rescue. However neither
will complete the boot so the upgrade can go ahead. The boot stalls
just after a message about Selinux not being found or something to
that effect.

Need some advice on what to do

Could be:


Well the link didn't describe my exact problem but it gave me a clue - I added selinux=0 to the kernel command line---the boot had stalled on the sellinux problem. Fedup then eventually ended up installing everything and so far, with the exception of google-chrome which I had to reinstall everything ***seems*** to have gone well. A nice feeling after reading some of the horror stories around fedup :)


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