On 06.10.2014, Ranjan Maitra wrote: 

> What is the difference between the Fedora vanilla kernels 
> (as described in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Kernel_Vanilla_Repositories) 
> and the kernel on kernel.org, would you happen to know?

As far as I can see from the description, these are the unmodified
original kernels from kernel.org.

> Btw, maybe my bug reports did not address the correct component (kernel) but 
> they have not
> been assigned yet. (Should I file under irqbalance?)

No. Most probably, it's a kernel bug. It could be a bug somewhere else
which triggers this one. Historically, such bugs didn't occur when
irqbalance was disabled, but this does not automatically mean that
it's irqbalance itself which is buggy.

> http://ur1.ca/iawmi -> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/139547/00617141

Reading your dmesg dump, I'm not convinced that the irq handler is
what causes you problems. Some years ago, the code was modified that
the missing interrupt was ACKed, thus letting the machine proceed. 

However, you have a seriously segfaulting browser (firefox?) which
corrupts the memory. The general protection fault could even be caused
by a null pointer dereference. I guess that's the problem.

In addition, are you at F22? Your dmesg says you're using a 
3.17.0-0.rc7.git2.1.fc22.x86_64 kernel. When compiling a kernel source
rpm meant for F22 on a F20 system, the package would be tagged fc20.

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